Why Muay Thai

A Brief History

Muay Thai, also known as ‘Thai Boxing’, is recognized as the national sport of Thailand. It is often referred to as “The Art of Eight Limbs” due to the use of a fighter’s hands, elbows, shins, and knees.

The sport can traces its roots to the ancient Thai system of martial arts called Muay Boran but has recently been adapted into the sport today during the early 20th century. The rise of the original Thai martial arts system grew from military application and self-defense due to fighting with neighboring territories. As territorial disputes declined, the martial art began shifting into a national competitive sport.

Over time, the sport became more and more popular within Thai culture and eventually gaining worldwide popularity in the 70’s and 80’s after Thai fighters defeated other martial art practitioners on the international stage. Today it is practiced globally for competition, self-defense, and fitness purposes.

Why You Should Train Muay Thai

6 Reasons Everyone Should Practice Muay Thai

Great Physique

It's the perfect full body workout. By incorporating both aerobic and anaerobic workouts styles, training will shape and tone your body quickly.

Mental Strength

Muay Thai not only strengthens the body, it also toughens the mind. Growing this mental fortitude can help in all areas of your life.


Muay Thai teaches self-discipline because training sessions follow a set structure that provides a straight-forward path to improvement.

Effective Art

Because hands, elbows, shins, and knees are utilized as weapons, Muay Thai is seen as the most effective striking system in the world.


Aside from the rush of endorphins and calming sensation after a tough training session, it also teaches you to adapt to different situations while maintaining a level-head.


Pushing yourself physically and mentally outside of your comfort zone in order to grow as a person and fighter leads to a natural rise in confidence. Which can be seen both inside and outside the ring.